In this post I did a general reflection on my blogging in 2013. It’s been a great year in terms of what I’ve managed to accomplish in and through blogging.
At the time of writing this post, I’ve done two hundred and sixty-two blog posts on this blog alone. By the time 2013 closes that number should be up to at least two hundred and eighty posts! Insane, right?
One of the coolest things that happened as far as my blogging is concerned was the release of Pressgram. A cool app that slaps filters onto photos and allows me to publish to my WordPress blogs.
Pressgram has enabled me to included a short form blogging to the mix of all my blogs, which at the moment are running on WordPress. I am looking to convert at least one to the new blogging platform, Ghost. The reason is simple; I just want to be able to focus on blogging.
Back to the blogs etc…
I started and shutdown a blog, which I might / might not pick up again. I’m rethinking the concept of it and other things around that. The thing is, if I do pick it up again, I’d want it to be a little more than just a blog. I won’t spend much time on this one for now…
Though I’ve been most productive with blogging this year, Leadership Heretic took a knock as I haven’t given it much attention in the last quarter of the year. I am working on a strategy that will see it become more than just a blog.
Michael and I have had brief chats about him coming on board. If it works out, great, if not, I will be finding other ways to make things happen.
At the time of doing this post I had done fifty-eight blog posts on Leadership Heretic. A little sad; I was hoping to do more but it does make sense, for now, that it would be less than, which I consider as my ‘primary’ blog.
Notice it is now “”. I’ve always wanted my first name to be my domain name but .com was already taken etc etc. (A shout out to Lee Watkins of Scooch Media for helping me migrate some stuff etc) For more on the switch from go here.
I started two other blogs (I must be insane!). The main reason I did this was I didn’t want to overload this blog. The themes and nature of the blogs were just going to clutter the focus I wanted for Hopefully in 2014 the posts on Leadership Heretic will be more as I seek to better serve leaders as I also grow.
I started I Am Jonah as a voice for my faith. One of the things I wanted to do with this blog is a free expression of faith. However, I didn’t want another typical blog, so I had and am still having a go at expressing my faith in a somewhat themed way.
It has proved a difficult feat due tot he discipline to write and most challenging to be vulnerable as the theme demands. Above this, what has been most fulfilling about I Am Jonah are the conversations I’m having about my faith with other people who identify with the posts.
At the time of writing this post, I Am Jonah sits on sixty-three posts. Not bad for a blog I started late-ish in the year…
The second blog I started (when I mention blogs I started I mean the personal ones, out of my work etc)… The second blog I started was Freeze Frame, which is an off-spin of my use of Pressgram. I also didn’t want to overload this blog with another too many photos, hence Freeze Frame, the photoblog.
To get a little more on the thought and theme behind the blog go here and here. At the time of writing this I had posted seventy-eight photos etc.
2013 also sees me having a go at an online store, together with the photoblog. Check out my store here. There’s something big as well launching in 2014 as far as startups for Ingrid and I are concerned. Stay tuned…
I had no intentions for a post this long hence I’ve left out other blogs, I contribute(d) and or did guest posts for…
Excluding Freeze Frame posts I did at least three hundred and eighty-three posts!
383 on my personal blogs!! This excludes guest posts / contributions elsewhere… That’s a heck of a lot of writing!
Looking ahead, I hope to continue getting better as a blogger and writer. Creating “kick-something” content and great delivery as well…