On What Is Possible To Do

Limitations are inevitable. They’re ubiquitous. Striving for a reality free of limitations is a fallacy. To make progress not every limitation is worth pushing against. Making headway sometimes means negotiating, and even cooperating with them. Everyday I wrestle with, “what is possible?”

One Big Thing To Remember About Blogging

I’ve been blogging for a long time here and a few other places. While I continue to write and publish elsewhere, I find it helpful to still do this ‘personal’ blogging. I need the space to write uninhibited. Top process and share my thoughts unfettered. Where I don’t worry about a brand or tone, or persona. One …

The One I Can’t Decide What To Talk About [Vlog Ep. 06]

The fear of being vulnerable was one barrier I had deal with when I started blogging. Then, I had to change my mind about vlogging. As I try to figure out the vlogging vs. blogging thing, I appreciate how much easier it is to talk on video that it is to write. Yeah, it is …

On Great Customer Care And Support

One of the biggest and worst reasons businesses fold is bad customer care and or support. One of my pet peeves is bad customer care. The last three words of the last sentence should never exist in the same sentence, but sadly they do. I had one of the least desirable customer experiences. We moved …