One of the reasons to train for a marathon is to make sure that I will be able to start and finish without breaking. I also want to be wise in my training and, at the end “race”. Besides my marathon training plan, I’m gleaning from other sources and experts on how to do it …
Tag Archives: life
Purposeful Curiousity
Sometimes we’re only holding a piece of the puzzle and it’s not the whole picture.
On What Is Possible To Do
Limitations are inevitable. They’re ubiquitous. Striving for a reality free of limitations is a fallacy. To make progress not every limitation is worth pushing against. Making headway sometimes means negotiating, and even cooperating with them. Everyday I wrestle with, “what is possible?”
Live. Play Well Your Part.
The passing of people who’ve touched our lives tends to cause us to pause. Well, at least, that’s the case for me. I’m reminded of how transient life can be, and at the same time, challenged to live better.
My Productivity Hacks – 2021
There are many things, at different times that help me focus and be productive. Some things work all the time and some are context dependant. I thought I’d share some of my productivity hacks as of today. Share your hacks or tips with me.