The passing of people who’ve touched our lives tends to cause us to pause. Well, at least, that’s the case for me. I’m reminded of how transient life can be, and at the same time, challenged to live better.
A few weeks ago someone I’d crossed paths with for a few years, someone who inspired me with his creativity passed on. I thought about how he had lived his life. For a few days I consciously thought about how I don’t want to be passive in how I live. I want to be present and. I want my life to be meaningful.
Play Well Your Part
Yesterday I discovered that Taylor Hawkins, the Foo Fighters drummer, had passed away. I wasn’t a Foo Fighters fan, but from time to time would listen to his drum solos. I love music, and every now and then, I take time to appreciate what individuals contribute to whole.
Anyway, I’m sure Taylor knew that millions of people loved his drumming. He knew that he had touched lives of people he couldn’t possibly know in a personal way.
I may be naive, but my hope is that if you play well your part in life, you make the world better. Your impact reverberates.
I hope to live life so well that how I live and who I am makes touches and enriches people’s lives. Not only for those who I know in a personal way but for many more who I never will know personally.
I think life is for living and I’m still learning how to do it well. May the life of every person I know be better because our paths crossed. May whatever is unique about me never be stifled. May I be brave not to stand in they way of its expression. I hope the same for you.
Note to self:
Live. Play well your part.
Featured image by Josh Sorenson on Unsplash