Sometimes we’re only holding a piece of the puzzle and it’s not the whole picture.
Tag Archives: leadership
Terraform: The People––We All In
‘Entertainment’ is the last word I’d use to describe how I experience music. I don’t listen to music, I experience it. It’s one the art form I’ve engaged with most in all my life. I listen to many different artists and genres. I don’t obsess over genre, I love good music. My library might suggest …
Cultivate Empathy; It’s Like A Garden
Empathy is like a garden. It has to be nurtured to grow. For good health it needs to be watered. I walk past this parking spot almost everyday and this morning I wondered, “Why do we need to keep being reminded?” To constantly cultivate empathy we also need reminders.
Appreciating My And Your Influence
Influence(r) is one of the most used words today. It is how some people make their money. The label, whether applied on by self or culture, can be misleading. On the one hand I get it; it’s the means we describe something. But there are some things about the influence(r) language that bug me. To …
Maintaining Vibrancy And Beauty
Vibrancy and beauty are by-products of intentional and consistent maintenance.