Influence(r) is one of the most used words today. It is how some people make their money. The label, whether applied on by self or culture, can be misleading. On the one hand I get it; it’s the means we describe something. But there are some things about the influence(r) language that bug me. To …
Tag Archives: influence
Two Luxuries Leaders Can Never Have
The privilege of leadingĀ is not without its challenges. Leadership is a mantle that can weigh heavy and in some instances, even crush those who bear it. The thing is, leaders are held to higher standards. You can’t be a leader without being some things or expecting certain focus on you. There are luxuries leaders can …
What Some Mistake For Influence, Don’t Drink That Cool Aid
So, I got tweeted — an offer to buy followers! Some people do this. It’s lame! The thing about buying “followers” — not even legit people or accounts — is that it’s not true influence.