On What Is Possible To Do

Limitations are inevitable. They’re ubiquitous. Striving for a reality free of limitations is a fallacy. To make progress not every limitation is worth pushing against. Making headway sometimes means negotiating, and even cooperating with them. Everyday I wrestle with, “what is possible?”

On Creating Content

One of the challenges of publishing, or more specifically in this context, blogging, is creating content. I’ve never been a fan of creating content for the sake of it. As I’ve said in the past, here, here and here, writing and blogging have been primarily notes-to-self. Blogging has been a way for me share my …

Why It Is Important To Just Dream

Who would’ve imagined that “productivity” would be an industry? Goals, outcomes, deadlines, whatever you call them, are an inherent, inescapable way of life and leadership. We set goals for ourselves as individuals, teams, organisations. Despite this, it is important to just dream. I’m not talking about the, “In a perfect world…” brainstorming. I mean simple, …

Introducing New Productivity Tool

Productivity hacking is both an art and science. One of the things that make it complex is everyone’s uniqueness. What works for one person can be crippling for another. Thinking what works for you must work from everyone is the epitome of naiveté. Everyone has to figure out what works for them. I have shared …