I’ve said it before: “Opinion Shortage” is one headline you’ll never come across. This is because we all have them. In this post, I wrote about what to do with other people’s opinions when it comes to who we are and our endeavours. I haven’t written about sharing opinions on social media, as a standalone topic or post. After witnessing many bungles recently, I think it is (perhaps) always worth talking about sharing opinions on social media.

The Thing About the Internet (& Social Media)

The Internet allows all of us to be publishers of sort. Social media is an accessible platform for people to say anything they want. The number of people likely to see increases exponentially as people who view share with their followers or connections.

Sharing on social media is like getting a tattoo (Click to Tweet)

Sharing on social media is like getting a tattoo. The rule to live by: Once something is posted, it can never be deleted. What usually happens, especially with the controversial, is that people take screenshots and reshare. This is how a lot of posts live for a long time.


I just changed how I had initially started this paragraph. I had initially said, “The Internet is ruthless…” But the truth is that the Internet, that is the technology, is not ruthless. It is just a tool. People are mean. Nasty. Every tool or resource available to people is rarely the problem. Social media, like other tools, is an amplifier.

The problem is never the platforms; the problem is always people. Social media not only helps messages go further faster, but also reveals more about people.

A Pinch or Pound of Salt?

Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between messed up views and posts. Does anger reveal people’s true nature and thoughts, like some suggest? Are we not most unreasonable when we give into emotions?

So, do we take what is said on social media with a pinch or a pound of salt? Can we, or should we take everything said at face value? Is the problem poor attempt at articulation? These are some of the questions that


The problem with social media posts is that it is not always easy to get the context. For instance, when you have ongoing conversations that span weeks, months and even years.

The Person

More questions… Do we judge what is said, once, or twice on its own or include who the person is, as a significant part of the equation? The problem is that most of the Internet has no way of verifying what ‘supporters’ or ‘enemies’ might have to say.

on sharing opinions on social media

(image: poorlydrawnlines.com | license: cc)

In The End, On Sharing Opinions On Social Media

If we care about other people and our own reputation, nothing beats being mindful. The best person to sensor you, is you. Remember in the age of the Internet, everything that goes online is permanent. And, when it comes to regret, you’re more likely going to regret what you publish than what you don’t. For the sake of others, and yourself, be mindful.

When it comes to the Internet, the best person to sensor you, is you (Click to Tweet)

Published by Blessing Mpofu

just a guy changing the world

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