Leaders who cannot manage frustration are ineffective. No one wants to follow them. One of the least attractive leaders is a tantrum bomb of a leader.

A leader’s ability to address frustration in his teams and manage his own is critical for high intensity and performance environments. Leaders who manage frustration well are more likely to lead well.

Related: More Than 5 Reasons Your Team Is Frustrated With Your Leadership 

The first step for any leader to address their frustration is being aware of their frustration triggers. He or she must be in touch with his internal state.

Accountability In Frustration

One of the next keys of managing frustration is accountability.


Share with someone trustworthy when you’re frustrated. Try to get to the source and somehow create steps and measures keep you away from the frustration and its potential paralysis.

Agree on consequences when you have badly handled your frustration. In a healthy team environment, it might even be a great thing for the team to talk about their frustration triggers and thresholds. Leaders can participate in this space and share their shortcomings.

When leaders are open about some of their shortcomings, it helps those they lead to come alongside them in areas of their shortcomings.

(PS: Watch that you don’t mess up accountability.)

Companionship is another important key in the accountability mix. Dr. Henry Cloud says that research showed that stress could be reduced by up to fifty percent when it is shared. The importance of companionship cannot be overemphasized.

Step Away | Dealing With Frustration As A Leader
YOU | Dealing With Frustration As A Leader 
Ignore? | Leading a Frustrated Team [Part 1]
Hear | Leading a Frustrated Team [Part 2]
Cool | Leading A Frustrated Team [Part 3]
The Presence | Leading A Frustrated Team [Part 4]
Ground Rules and Fences | Leading a Frustrated Team [Part 5]
Communication | Leading A Frustrated Team [Part 6]

[Photo Credit: Zach Klein]

Published by Blessing Mpofu

just a guy changing the world

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