The first post in the series on how to deal with frustration as a leader looked into the importance of identifying the source of frustration. It is not always what teams do or the environment, but also other underlying things with leaders themselves. Leaders must be aware of their frustration triggers.
There is no silver bullet, that one thing that solves everything, hence the need for a multi-thronged approach to solutions.
Step Away
Frustration comes easily to leaders who are “always on”. Fatigue not only makes a leader but also an enterprise vulnerable. Without rest you will be easier to break.
When I’m emotionally spent it affects every other area of my life. I think slower. Having my mind constantly engaged without time for recharge is one sure way of nurturing stress.
Rest. You will think clearer and be more efficient when you rest. It is easy for leaders who never take rest to fall of the frustration cliff. They are angry or depressed and no one wants to be led by a miserable leader.
Schedule your rest times and plan around them. Never compromise them, they are just as important to your productivity as your presence.
Once I gathered the courage to ask one of the two questions most leaders won’t ask: “How am I doing in leading you?” One of the youngest, team members I led told me I was a great guy, a leader they loved serving with but hated that I was always tired. She was right. She continued to say that the team needed me to rest so I could serve them better.
Frustrated and tired leaders have very nothing significant to give [Click to Tweet]
“Stepping away” doesn’t just apply to a leader taking time to rest; it also applies to leaders stepping away from the source as well as the trigger of their frustration. This is nothing new or profound, but a practical step that leaders often forget.
You can address your frustration by moving your attention elsewhere. Go play a round of golf. I play squash or run.
When you move attention elsewhere, for a while, it helps calm you down and resets your thinking and focus.
Sometimes leaders don’t need solutions immediately but to disengage immediately [Click to Tweet]
Remember to communicate with your team you are taking time out to help you better think and refocus. In this way, you can avoid extending the frustration to the rest of your enterprise, while doing what is necessary to get you into the right mental space.
Leader, don’t make the mistake of digging your heels in when you should be moving your feet away [Click to Tweet]
“Step away” and address your frustration.
[Photo Credit: Rocpoc]