3 Reasons For Continued Spread of COVID In South Africa

I’ve been trying to say less. To be more measured in with my words because we’re in a time when we should be even more careful about what we say and share. While there are more articulate and learned people who’ve shared their opinions and expertise, I need to say something. And this is to …

If You Should Choose Anything

To snooze or not to snooze? That is most likely the decision you started your day with. If you have what Ingrid and I call, “Rich People Problems”, choosing what to wear can be another annoying choice to make at the start of your day. Which, bus, train or route to take to the office? …

Decoding Empathy

“Empathy is something unfair until we’re the ones who need it.” I read something along these lines a couple of days ago. I happen to read that when I was halfway through series 2 of Dissect Podcast. The superb deconstruction of Kanye West’s album, “A Dark Twisted Fantasy” by Cole Cuchna renewed my appreciation of …

Hate, Selfishnes and Injustice Are Too Hard. What If…

It doesn’t take much to searching to see some of the brokenness plaguing humanity. In some ways it seems humanity is at war with itself. Nothing is new under the sun. Fixating on injustice alone will drive the best of us insane. In the darkness, besides outrage at injustice, is an instinctual search for light. …