It’s been said that great leaders have the ability to hear what is not being said. That’s dumb. That will make you schizo.
Following this is likely to make you think there’s always a deeper meaning to everything. Sometimes there is and at other times there really isn’t.
I’ve seen too many leader lead by the “hear what’s not being said” mantra and I’ve seen them seek out and create drama where there wasn’t.
Leader, if there are no problems don’t create them.
Rather channel your energy to leading and pushing innovation in your team or organization. Is it really worth you knowing what is not being said?
There may be some things that are critical that could be unsaid but great leadership builds in feedback systems that bring them up. Even if you work hard to hear what’s not being said you are still going to miss some things.
You’re never going to hear and know it. Make peace some things getting away. You are not perfect.
I’ve been one of those leaders who knew how to beat himself up for not seeing some things. If you’re in that club let me help you: you are never going to be in the know of everything. Make peace with it.
Not hearing things that aren’t being said can also make you predictable. Your team will soon pick up that you don’t read into things more than there is.
Do your best to know what there is to be known and if you miss anything, oh well…
A great way to stop listening to what is not being said is killing room for ambiguity. Never be afraid to ask, “what do you mean?” or “May you please elaborate?”
Stop trying to hear what is not being said and minimize the room for ambiguity. That is one of the ways to avoid wasting energy in tyring to figure out what people are saying or not saying by what they said or didn’t say.
Asking questions is an undermined leadership tool. Use them. Build processes that generate feedback to help stop wondering or searching for the unicorns.
What’s your take?