A gesture just to say, “thank you” to me. The last few weeks I’ve been saying, “thank you” to many people for giving of their gifts and time to me and things I’m involved in.
So when people say to me, “You’re such a Blessing!”… It’s kinda tired but this time it wasn’t just the corny thing do, but real gratitude.
I was about to brush off their expression of gratitude toward me till they showed how serious they were by adding sweets and chocolate to their words.
It is not about the sweets and stuff but about the thought and gratitude behind the gesture. (I’m not as crazy about chocolate as some)
When I try to express my gratitude and appreciation to others and they brush it off, I tend to go an extra mile to make sure they understand I’m not chiming off a, “thank you” out of obligation.
The last few weeks I realize I’ve been brushing off compliments and expression of gratitude and thanks the way I don’t like other people doing it when I say “thank you” to them. I don’t think it’s fair. Perhaps hypocritical.
My challenge is to myself and others. Learning to give and receive thanks. To take seriously expressions of appreciation to us and others. Could it be pride when we don’t want to receive others’ “thank yous”? Could also be a case of downplaying our gifting.
After all our gifts aren’t really our own; they’re for others.
Most of the time I find it easier to say, “thank you” than I do to receive. Sometimes it’s because I don’t want people feeling guilty or bad for making a call on my gifts. I never want people to feel bad or indebted to me for doing something that was only my pleasure.
Regardless I resolve to continue saying, “thank you” and with the same sincerity receive appreciation and expression of gratitude from others. Is it easy for you to say, “thank you”? If you find it difficult to receive “thank yous” from others, why do you think it’s so?
What People Mean When They Say, You’re A Blessing
When people say, “You’re a blessing” they’re saying thank you for being a great help. They’re expressing they’re appreciation of who you are as a person and gratitude for what you’ve done. They’re letting you know how much of a gift you are or have been to them.
Sometimes it’s due to the gift of your presence and at other times something practical. Being a blessing is about giving of yourself, in presence and of your gifts, in doing. Besides playing on the pun with my name, I find people genuinely mean it. This is something rarely said flippantly.
Being a blessing is about empowering and equipping others. It is living beyond ourselves, in service to others. When people say you’re blessing, they mean you’ve empowered them. You’ve helped them lift a burden or make a load ligther.
You’re a blessing when you give of yourself and your gifts. Keep doing it.
THIS was a blessing. ThAnk you
That’s great when it’s genuine, but when your kinkindness as a blessing start to be taken advantage of it’s rediculous!
i love this. giving others and opportunity to express their gratitude is a beautiful thing.