When I said, “leadership is more than being in charge”, someone asked for a definition of leadership. The definition of leadership and what exactly it entails has riddled many who’ve tried to define it to the dot… There are very few things that can be defined right down to the last iota. There are some …
Tag Archives: NOT ready to lead
YOU | You’re Not Ready To Lead IF
Being ready to lead means a willingness to pursue something greater than you. There is nothing significant, as far as the world is concerned, about “leaders” who embark on a journey for themselves. True fulfillment in leadership is when what you do is others-focused. When our primary or only goal is to make ourselves happy …
Seeing People | You’re Not Ready To Lead IF
One of the worst mistakes I’ve made as a leader is assume if work was getting done and the results we wanted and expected were coming in, then everything was well. I got so caught up in getting results and making sure we, at worst, kept to the schedule. When I felt we were lagging …
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Disagreed With | You’re Not Ready To Lead IF
You cannot be a great leader if you want everyone to like you. Stepping up to lead is like painting a bull’s-eye on yourself. It is opening yourself up to scrutiny by, well everyone. You will have those who support you in everything. Always. All the way. Then there are the critics.