The Language of True Conviction

Over the next few days I’ll be at the Youth for Christ Africa Pioneering Conference. The heart of the conference is pioneering. Specifically, reaching the young people of the African continent with the message of Christ. It is humbling to be part of history in this way. As I interact with leaders from across the continent, I realize I’m in the midst of Pan-African leaders, whose hear and resolve is that of seeing God glorified in the lives of young people on our continent. In many different ways I hear them echo the words of David Livingstone:

“I am immortal till my work is accomplished. And though I see few results, future missionaries will see conversions follow every sermon. May they not forget the pioneers who worked in the thick of gloom with few rays to cheer, except such as flow from faith in the precious promises of God’s word.”

The words of Livingstone epitomize true conviction and “savage resolve” to seeing God’s purposes realized. These words come from a man with eyes beyond His time. They echo selflessness and speak of willingness to be the first in the firing line. This is the nature of pioneering and pioneers.

My heart cries for the same flame and language of true conviction. I pray God would cause the same to burn in your heart. Pray for us as we seek God and are challenged to further His cause for the lives of young people on the African continent. May He raise laborers that know no obstacle. Pray He encourages the despondent laborers on our continent to be refreshed and encouraged with an inextinguishable passion and endurance.

Your language says a lot about your conviction(s). As you look at your ministry, what dominates your language?

(Thanks David Kadalie for the David Livingstone quote)

Published by Blessing Mpofu

just a guy changing the world

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