This applies to both life and leadership. There’s the obvious; those things you know you’re about and will never compromise. These are usually things that relate to your mission and values. Though values may take a while to discover and articulate, it is easy to say where you stand when you have.

Mission and values are a rudder. They guide your life, leadership and enterprise. Clarifying them is critical. When your purpose is unclear, resources and energy are either abused or wasted. Sometimes both.

Then there are other instances where you have to decide where you stand or choose to fall. There are times you will hit walls you never anticipated. Technology and circumstance have a way of raising scenarios unimaginable. At some point you will come across something you never thought you could.

Those are times of testing. You will not always have the luxury of not staking your claim  later. In those instances your life cannot go on without you stating and living by you stance. Your enterprise cannot progress until you’re clear on where you stand. You cannot continue on the path of innovation until you navigate this barrier.

Be careful.

I’m about to suggest something that seems counter-intuitive but don’t tune out. Don’t bow to the pressure when staking your claim, yet. How you deal with notable disruptions leadership defines more than times of tranquil. Again, this applies to both life and leadership.


The first thing you should be doing is slowing down. Making decisions in a panic usually yields the results least desired. Chill.

Why is it you feel the pressure to stake your claim now? Is the pressure real or perceived? What would happen if you didn’t make the decision immediately? What assumptions have you or others made?


Never make decisions in isolation. Leaders are not always leaders because they’re the smartest. Everyone has shortcomings. This is why isolation is, except for the purposes of reflection, is never a good idea. Keep in mind that one thing depends others . We’re also not isolated beings.

A decision in one area of your life has implications for other areas. Every enterprise is a system of intricate interdependent systems and processes. You’re one decision away from doing something stupid and destructive.

If you jump before the boat reaches the dock you’re going to end up wet – Dave Ramsey

Treat anything strategic with great care.


Don’t bow to the pressure when staking your claim until you’ve taken time to chill. Make sure you’ve checked what will be affected.

Published by Blessing Mpofu

just a guy changing the world

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