If you’ve read anything I’ve written it is possible you’ve seen one way or another I could be better as writer. I’m aware I’m not the best writer there is or was. I’m also not among the best of communicators.

Knowing this doesn’t stop me from publishing. I have published both decent and crappy material in different places. If you’ve been victim of some of my incoherent, incomplete, nonsensical and weak writing, I’m sorry but I’m not.

I always work at writing better. I read and write more to grow as a writer and publisher. But this doesn’t mean I do not or will not publish the imperfect.

After reading some of my posts I had to ask myself why I publish the imperfect. I write and publish the imperfect posts for a few reasons. Here are some of them:


Yes, I publish imperfect posts for me. I’ve said it before that foremost, I write for myself. This is, of course, relates to platforms or channels that are exclusively mine.

I won’t labour this point because it is something I have written about before.

I write to clarify my thinking. Often I don’t know what I think about something till I write about it. Writing is a form of processing.

But why do I proceed to publish? Let me continue…


I go as far as publishing the imperfect so others can help me get better. Publishing opens some of my thoughts to the world. With this, is an invitation for people to engage and inspire different perspectives.


I hope to write many books. I already have an idea for a few already. Publishing is one of the most vulnerable things any writer can do.

The point of writing the way bloggers and other authors do, is not just about themselves. It is about others. It is about stretching others’ thinking as much as the creators’.

I publish the imperfect as a way of building a thick skin when it comes to having my work critiqued.


I write and publish the imperfect so that I can keep writing. Huh?! Yes, If I’m not publishing it is possible that I will stop creating. Publishing pushes me to get better.

Publishing makes me want to better my writing because I want others to see the progress I’m making.


I write and publish the imperfect because it still scares me. I need to make myself uncomfortable so that I don’t get in my own way. I guess scaring myself helps me to face other risks as I take on challenges.


I’m convinced it is not only the perfect that changes the world. For example, most inventions exist and make a difference to people’s lives not because every step was perfect.

Some of the things that have inspired me have been messy, ugly and in need of a lot of refinement. If someone’s writing can do that for me, why can’t mine for others?



Unmasked (One of my most extensive answers)

Why Online Publishing Matters For Individuals And The World

3 Ways to Protect Your Ideas From Yourself

How I’ve Managed To Blog For A Long Time

On Blogging, After Blogging For Years

[image: Milestoned]

Published by Blessing Mpofu

just a guy changing the world

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  1. I like this.
    Writing for yourself to inspire others in the process.

    I am reading christopherbattles.net/artofwork by @jeffgoins (http://goinswriter.com/) and he is talking about this idea some now.
    I have only read a few of your blogs so far, but as I said in another comment, you break down the “simple” things and cause the reader to look at them.
    Thank you.