If you’ve read anything I’ve written it is possible you’ve seen one way or another I could be better as writer. I’m aware I’m not the best writer there is or was. I’m also not among the best of communicators.
Category Archives: Blogging
What Some Mistake For Influence, Don’t Drink That Cool Aid
So, I got tweeted — an offer to buy followers! Some people do this. It’s lame! The thing about buying “followers” — not even legit people or accounts — is that it’s not true influence.
My Ideal Writing Environment
I’ve given some attention to why I write the post “Unmasked” and “Why I Write And Or Blog”. (These are not the only posts that speak into writing or blogging though…) Something I haven’t spoken much about was the environment for my writing and blogging.
Why I Write And Or Blog
Why I write and or blog is one question I’ve answered many times in different ways. However, as I think about it, there are more answers everytime I contemplate this. Almost everytime I have a go at answering this questions different expressions and nuances ensure.
To Enable Commenting Or Not On Comments And Blogging
After quoting John Saddington on a this brilliant piece he wrote: The Ambition Of Writing, he responded on Twitter with this: @blessingmpofu love that. thank you. btw, i’ve moved on from disqus comments. thoughts on that? — John Saddington (@saddington) December 23, 2014 When he asked I realised I had thought (a lot, at different times) about …
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