Why I Publish The Imperfect

If you’ve read anything I’ve written it is possible you’ve seen one way or another I could be better as writer. I’m aware I’m not the best writer there is or was. I’m also not among the best of communicators.

What Some Mistake For Influence, Don’t Drink That Cool Aid

So, I got tweeted — an offer to buy followers! Some people do this. It’s lame! The thing about buying “followers” — not even legit people or accounts — is that it’s not true influence.

To Enable Commenting Or Not On Comments And Blogging

After quoting John Saddington on a this brilliant piece he wrote: The Ambition Of Writing, he responded on Twitter with this: @blessingmpofu love that. thank you. btw, i’ve moved on from disqus comments. thoughts on that? — John Saddington (@saddington) December 23, 2014 When he asked I realised I had thought (a lot, at different times) about …