There’s the adage, “pride comes before a fall”. It is true. The sad thing about it, is that often people don’t realise that they’ve been made blind by pride. Pride can make you blind to the fact that you’re about to fall. In fact pride makes you blind to the fact that you are proud [Click to Tweet].

Often it isn’t deceit that gets us, well at least not primarily. It is the fact that we are deceived about being deceived that we get tripped up. Thus we must have measures to make sure that we’re in touch with reality.

In the matter of pride, you’ve been made blind by pride when…


This is subtle one: pride has you by the scruff when you’re not pursing knowledge and growth. Pride says, “you’ve learned all you can and you’re everything you could be. You’ve arrived”.

This, of course, is not as blatant. Rather subtle. A simple test:

When was the last time you submitted yourself to learn? How often and to what extent to you actively pursue knowledge or wisdom? I mean openly.

You see, sometimes we search for knowledge, not for the sake of learning. If you’re to be honest with yourself, you might just discover that the real reason you seek knowledge is to confirm that you are right. Perhaps to prove everyone else wrong.

When was the last time you intentionally made yourself a student? [Click to Tweet]

The pursuit of knowledge and wisdom, in whatever, area must be girded by an openness to simply learn and make whatever adjustments your learning demands. Ask questions with a genuine desire to learn. Caution: it might hurt your ego.

“No” To Change

Sometimes pride wears the cloak of “consistency” [Click to Tweet]. Don’t be one of those people who resist necessary change in the name of consistency.

When was the last major change you made? Could it be that you feel you’re so right? So perfect that you don’t need to change your mind or perspectives?

There’s nothing wrong with changing course as the winds demand.

Never Wrong

When was the last time you were wrong?  When was the last time you admitted to being wrong? [Click to Tweet]

Do you ever let yourself be wrong? Are you open to being wrong? To what extent?

Do those around you have permission to point out when you’re wrong? (Not in any disparaging way) Do you allow yourself to be corrected? Our shortcomings and blind spots demand humility.

Our shortcomings and blind spots demand humility [Click to Tweet]

Pride deceives us by making us think we could never get anything wrong. That we’re incapable of mistakes. Often this is evidenced by seeing ourselves, in life or leadership, as only there to correct others and or their mistakes.


  • Pride makes you blind to the fact that you are proud [Click to Tweet]
  • There’s nothing wrong with changing course as the winds demand [Click to Tweet]
  • Sometimes pride wears the cloak of “consistency” [Click to Tweet]
  • When was the last time you were wrong?  When was the last time you admitted to being wrong? [Click to Tweet]
  • When was the last time you intentionally made yourself a student? [Click to Tweet]

Published by Blessing Mpofu

just a guy changing the world