
  1. I’m always hungry to grow. Investing in enlarging one’s capacity is never a wasted investment. Significant growth is often with the help or contribution of others. When we close ourselves to listening to others we miss out on opportunities of growth.
  2. I just love seeing ideas develop. In fact, one of the blogs I read often is the author of A Million Miles In A Thousand Days and Blue Like Jazz, Donald Miller’s. He has a tag-line on his blog, “Before it becomes a book, it all gets tested here. Forgive the rough patches. Here is the writing in process”. I like it. Blogs allow me to ‘hear’ the musings of some of my favorite authors as they develop new work.
  3. They’re easily accessible. Need I say more?
  4. They help me save money mainly in two ways. Some blogs write on specific subjects e.g. testing and publishing comparisons on two competing products. Thus help me in decision-making. I really like books. This brings me to the second way blogs save me money. I can make a more informed decision on whether I would enjoy reading the work of a particular author. You guessed it. I’m more likely to buy an author I’m not familiar with if I can read her blog first. You want me to buy your book?
  5. I also read blogs from people who share totally different views with me. This helps refine my thinking. One of the reasons people fail is that they never allow their perspective to be challenged enough! It also saves me making a fool of myself on bigger platforms.
  6. Blog posts are generally not lengthy. They come in bite sizes, and a good source of reading when the ‘tomes’ feel a little intimidating. When am not intensely reading books I’m intensely reading blog posts on diverse areas of interest.
  7. I’ve realized that some authors are less formal when they blog. I like the more informal tones when it comes to reading and blogs generally provides that. Information presented in an easy to assimilate way. Some bloggers incorporate other media e.g. video tutorials etc
  8. I particularly enjoy where the blogger engages comments in a healthy manner. I’ve seen blog posts become even more insightful as people comment, interacting with the blogger and each other. In cases of specialized subjects, blogs help bring more than one expert’s opinion and side of the story when they do engage.
  9. I would like to be a great blogger and writer in general and want to see how others do it.
  10. Some writers continue to dig deeper on chosen subjects after publishing some of their work. Reading their blogs gives me their more current findings and thoughts on chosen subjects.
  11. I like that I get to see some authors I respect waffle sometimes. I find it very liberating! There’s hope for me! :-)

Published by Blessing Mpofu

just a guy changing the world

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  1. Blessing I do agree with you. I believe people who blog have also found a good place to hide away from the rest of the world. Blogging creates a common ground for thoughts and meaningful ideas. I guess It’s worth time wasting in reading than spending time with the wrong people in wrong places. I am not promoting isolation from the society though, but rather networking with the right influence. It’s time to grow our minds and allow healthy thinking. Cheers…

    1. Hi Rodrick, I think you will find that there are both good and bad influences whether online or offline. The onus rests on us to carefully selective what will be beneficial for us. ( I do agree that there is a problem when we close ourselves out from interaction with people offline) thanks for sharing your thoughts