I consider myself an avid reader. I also try to read very broadly to help me grow. I read books, blogs and tweets from people that don’t think like me. The excerpt below is from Andy Stanley’s book on vision, “Making Vision Stick“. An easy read that highlights the importance of keep vision out in front and helping those you lead to do the same. The excerpt:
…I like to joke that the three primary obstacles to making vision stick are success, failure, and everything inbetween. There is no season in which a leader can push autopilot and expect the organization to remain vision driven. It is possible for an organization to increase market share and profit margins while drifting from its original vision… …Success lures us into taking hands off the wheel. Failure causes us to overcorrect. Both succes and failure can lead to disaster.
… Over time organizations become more complex. Complexity is distracting for leaders. Where there were once two balls to juggle, suddenly there are three, then four and then forty. All of them are important. Where there was one good opportunity to pursue, suddenly there are three. And each new opportunity leads to yet another and another. Complexity can kill the original vision.

If you’ve read the book, what are your take aways? If you haven’t, do yourself a favor and read it. You can get it here.
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