A Different “Power Of One”

Emails and social media are a very inevitable part of our lives. As I was going through my emails this morning I realized something. Some of the emails I started by responding to were from people that I were looking to network with me and other people in making some things happen. I also realized …

When We Stand

When we stand in the face of adversity we: Give life to the possibility of victory further Allow ourselves to grow stronger Get wiser Teach ourselves that it can be done Tell others it can be done… Encourage and inspire others to do the same Build credibility to speak into the lives of others that …

Where Good Ideas Come From

There are some projects I’ve been trying to move forward and have been trying to think about “fresher ideas” to help me do that… I came across this TED talk by Steven Johnson on “Where Good Ideas Come From”… I learned a couple of things and got “reminders”… Check it out… The talk made me …

What I’ve Learned From Twitter

Some reflections on what I’ve learned on Twitter so far: Follow People need you to give them a reason to follow you. Do you have something worthwhile to tweet or are your tweets relevant to them? At different stages I’ve followed different people depending on what I am interested in at that time. There are …