Where Good Ideas Come From

There are some projects I’ve been trying to move forward and have been trying to think about “fresher ideas” to help me do that… I came across this TED talk by Steven Johnson on “Where Good Ideas Come From”… I learned a couple of things and got “reminders”… Check it out…

The talk made me decide to revisit my “ideas journal”, mindmaps and other places I’ve captured my “brain storms” to see if there is a “common thread” building up to a “core idea / strategy” among other things…

Published by Blessing Mpofu

just a guy changing the world

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  1. I posed the same question on October 13 2011 on twitter.. I enjoyed this talk. I have some of my own theories as well which have been brewing up in my mind. When 2 creative people meet and there is a “harmony of thought” much like a harmony of singers, it gives birth to something quite beautiful as one voice covers areas the other voice doesnt. Location and environment plays an importance to the degree of clearing your mind to get “in the zone”. Emptying your mind of preconceived ideas especially the thing you are trying to formulate is an ingredient that will give birth to amazing ideas. For example, if someone asks me to invent a cell phone thats better than samsung or iphone, i probably wouldnt be able to come up with something mind blowing, because I have already confined my thinking around all the existing things that are possible whereas if I was to say how can I cook in the toilet? I could come up with and have actually come up with an innovative desidn that has nothing to do with my primary question. This is one method of how creative ideas come to me. I entertain my mind with alternate ways to come up with solutions that no one would normally think about. Breaking the rules and abiding by the law!!! I must admit, I have a lot of fun doing this! Creativity is not something that can be used up, the more you have, the more you get% I put the percentage sign because I didnt feel like putting the! hE hE

    1. true. quite a lot to consider. i think we also have too many preconceived ideas about how to get, build and nurture ideas to a level they impact the world. the challenge is to constantly foster an environment that encourages ideas…