Learning From Bono | Changing The World

I wish I was at TED 2013. I followed Bono’s talk on Twitter and the TED blog. Wow Bono, the U2 front man, is passionate about music and world change. He is also co-founder of the ONE campaign, a movement fighting the injustice of extreme poverty. I’m sure when U2 started Bono never dreamed that his …

The Two ‘Becomings’ You Must Be Aware Of

You have a picture for who want to be. You live in a certain level of discomfort because of the disconnect between how you see yourself now and where you would like to be. This is one of the reasons for frustration. Frustration can be healthy if it is expression between the greater you see …

UK Riots, Social Media AND The Real Problem

I read a Mashable blog post about Facebook and (Research In Motion) RIM, the Blackberry manufacturer, going to meet UK government officials. The agenda seems to be a result of prime minister, David Cameron’s statement in the House of Commons. According to Mashable, David Cameron mentioned on how, together with some government agencies, they were …

The Language of True Conviction

Over the next few days I’ll be at the Youth for Christ Africa Pioneering Conference. The heart of the conference is pioneering. Specifically, reaching the young people of the African continent with the message of Christ. It is humbling to be part of history in this way. As I interact with leaders from across the …

Final Words

We all have people we look up to for diverse reasons. Some of the reasons we look up to them could be that they have strengths in areas we don’t. Or they’ve achieved in areas we want to achieve in… The reasons are many, perhaps innumerable. And, now and then we contemplate on questions we …