When preparing to launch new projects, products or campaigns we often expend a lot of energy, time and other resources. We do this in order to ensure that whatever our focus starts off well and we get off to a flying start. After spending a lot of time and resources the launch becomes a flop. …
Tag Archives: life
Where Good Ideas Come From
There are some projects I’ve been trying to move forward and have been trying to think about “fresher ideas” to help me do that… I came across this TED talk by Steven Johnson on “Where Good Ideas Come From”… I learned a couple of things and got “reminders”… Check it out… The talk made me …
Final Words
We all have people we look up to for diverse reasons. Some of the reasons we look up to them could be that they have strengths in areas we don’t. Or they’ve achieved in areas we want to achieve in… The reasons are many, perhaps innumerable. And, now and then we contemplate on questions we …
What I’ve Learned From Twitter
Some reflections on what I’ve learned on Twitter so far: Follow People need you to give them a reason to follow you. Do you have something worthwhile to tweet or are your tweets relevant to them? At different stages I’ve followed different people depending on what I am interested in at that time. There are …
Some of My Favourite Quotes From the Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
Well, I really felt like posting this and i kinda debated with myself. Some may think this childish… but i remembered someone telling me, “You are never too old to have a happy childhood!” I just had to! I remember watching many episodes more than once… Here goes some of my favorite quotes. Some of …
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