We tend to use the successful as templates. There’s nothing wrong with this. We have to start somewhere. After all, it would be nothing but stupidity ignoring what others have achieved. Gleaning from their experiences can save us pain, loss and many resources. Anyway, most of our learning is already learning from other people.
Tag Archives: blogging
What To Do With That Adverb?
My writing buddy has something to say about adverbs. I don’t have to doubt or wonder what to do with that adverb. The app I’m using is one Demian Fanworth recommended it to me. (He blogs here, here and podcasts here) It is Hemingway App / Editor. It has helped me write better. I hope this also …
A Blog Post About An Important Blog I Wrote
I haven’t written as much as I would’ve loved over the last few years. I’ve shared some of the reasons I write are here, here and here. Those are not all the reasons, just some. Writing is one of the things I’ve had a desire and, I guess, a fair aptitude for, for as long as I …
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Why I Publish The Imperfect
If you’ve read anything I’ve written it is possible you’ve seen one way or another I could be better as writer. I’m aware I’m not the best writer there is or was. I’m also not among the best of communicators.
What Some Mistake For Influence, Don’t Drink That Cool Aid
So, I got tweeted — an offer to buy followers! Some people do this. It’s lame! The thing about buying “followers” — not even legit people or accounts — is that it’s not true influence.