This is a talk by Jason Fried. I seem to always get more done at home than at the office. There are some other things he brings up. You have to watch it! . . I’ve taken away a few more things… hope you got something out too!
Tag Archives: goals
The Speed Of Learning
Last week I was in a conversation with a couple of friends and we got to talking about how people respond differently to the same thing. Among the things we discussed, was how people not only have different personalities but learning styles as well.
The Power Of “I Don’t Know”
“I don’t know” – three words that some people and more specifically leaders, at different times find difficult to utter. These are the words most, but not all leaders either don’t say or don’t say often enough. Herewith is The Power Of “I Don’t Know” (in no particular order of importance):
Something Communicators Must NEVER Forget
I’ve just been thinking about something communicators must never forget… I meet a lot of people every week. I also facilitate different types of groups with different types of people. Life would be extremely boring if we were all alike. I think I’d really hate to have everybody like me.
After The Preview, Before The Feature
When preparing to launch new projects, products or campaigns we often expend a lot of energy, time and other resources. We do this in order to ensure that whatever our focus starts off well and we get off to a flying start. After spending a lot of time and resources the launch becomes a flop. …