The Freedom Of Boundaries

As I drove home today, I remembered something… The state of the road I was on about a year and a half ago. It was just kilometers and more kilometers of one major construction site. (Actually, was the case in numerous places in and around Johannesburg) The particular thing I remembered was how the lanes were not …

9 Things About Preparation

Preparation /ˌprɛpəˈreɪʃ(ə)n/ (definition according to Wordweb): The activity of putting or setting in order in advance of some act or purpose The state of having been made ready or prepared for use or action The cognitive process of thinking about what you will do in the event of something happening Here are 9 things about preparation:

8 Reasons To Share What You’re Learning / Your Lessons

I’ve been trying to convince my some friends to share some of their recent experiences. They’re learning valuable lessons and I think they would benefit more people. This post is a result of trying to convince them to share what they’re learning. In case you’re like my friends, here are 8 reasons to share what you’re …

5 of 9 Ways To Guarantee Your Failure (Part 2)

I shared 4 of 9 ways to guarantee your failure yesterday… here are the rest of the 9  ways to secure your failure! Don’t set milestones and celebrate achievements. A goal will be more achievable when you set smaller steps or milestones. Milestones can be celebration points that help you realize how far you’ve come …

Confidence For The Ministry Leader

Leadership can be challenging, especially in times where none of those we lead express confidence in us. What can be even a greater challenge is when you, as a leader, have no confidence in your leadership either! Those we lead can lose confidence in our leadership perhaps due to a series bad decisions. Perhaps from …