Learning From The Evolution Of Michael Jackson

One of the most iconic artists of the last few decades is undoubtedly Michael Jackson. Dubbed, “The King of Pop”, he entertained, influenced and inspired generations. The evolution of Michael Jackson influenced culture. Makes me think…

Two Key Differentiators For Success Of Any Enterprise

There are many enterprises with similar missions. Those missions expressed differently but still the same. The reason you have many restaurants, making similar food, for instance, is that there are equally many people who love the same food done somewhat differently. The existence of many organisations is evidence there are many people who need to be served. …

Self: The Beginning Of Leaders’ Decline In Influence

The longevity of leaders and enterprises varies from one to another. Likewise there are varied reasons and contexts for this. Some things are obvious and some not so much. However, there are some things that can translate across variables. One of those things are leaders. Leaders’ influence can wane. No matter how great a leader is …