More Than Logo; Understanding And Translating Your Brand

Don’t mistake logo for brand. Your logo is not your brand. It is only a part of your brand. It is a representation of who you are. More like the hairstyle you wear that sets you apart from other people. It is your dress style and your walk that your friends use to spot you from …

Boldly Be; A Secret To Brand Loyalty

People love brands for different reasons. Like the old saying goes, “Different strokes for different folks”. People have their reasons for preferring brands to others. The biggest reason people love the brands they do, is because they are a reflection of something about them or something they aspire to. If your favorite brand were a …

The Power Of Clear Sight

People are moved by what they see. We live in the most visual time humanity has ever known. Technology is focused on creating vivid pictures using high-definition lens and screens. We have binoculars so we can bring distant things closer and see them with a clarity distance robs from our unaided eyes. We do not …

More Space and Less Things

I enjoy spending time with Ingrid. (Just as well, she’s my wife! :)) Counting the number of conversations we’ve had would be a futile exercise. A few days ago we spoke briefly about space and things in our home. It was not a long conversation but, for me, turns out to be one that I …