Stop Complaining About Ads & Privacy Changes On Social Networks

Google+ is now introducing ads. Also, unless you tell them not to they are going to use your face to endorse some stuff. That sound familiar? And, in the other corner, all content on Facebook is now searchable. Oh, did I mention Instagram serving ads. Awesome. Yes, awesome, for them that is. Once I was …

A Kryptonite For Leaders And Organizations

I’m a fan of obvious. I even did an entire post about why leaders need to make things obvious. Cool. Right? Yes. The reason I like obvious is because it is, well obvious. Not only that, it is way better and cooler than ambiguous. In case you’re still not sure: Ambiguity is an enemy to …

Framing Stuff

  They could’ve just said, “Eat this muffin” or “Complimentary muffin”. The way they “framed” their muffin message is just so cool. For maximum impact, don’t just say what you need to say, craft your message and its delivery. That makes a difference. A huge one. Love your message and your cause enough to be …

Matching The Message

Communication is one of the most critical leadership tools. Any leader that cannot communicate well cannot lead well. Communication transcends just saying things or sending messages. It is a connection point between two or more parties, where whatever is conveyed by the other is understood as intended by the originator(s) of the message. Related: Leaders and …

How Meetings Fail

While preparing for a Skype meeting I thought about why and how meetings fail. I’m sure I’m not the only who’s been to a ton of meetings. I mean a ton of failed meetings. As much as they easily become productivity obstacles, they are necessary for enabling the success of enterprises.