Things Failure Reminds Me

I do my best to journal. I rarely read what I’ve written in any systematic way. When I read my journal it is usually mere perusing. I recently found notes I made after a series of failures. You know what, there are many things failure reminds me.

What To Do When Struggling With Form

I’ve just been watching the Cricket test match between South Africa and England. South African seem on the back foot at the moment. (Am writing this with one eye on the game; the era of many screens…) South Africa is struggling with their game.

No Such Thing As Wasted Effort

When I apply myself I expect to see a return for my effort. None of us want to do something for nothing. We want some sort of return. A reward of sort for energy used. Some gain for all the pain we might have gone through. At different times, for different reasons the results will …

The Definition Of Hard Work

I wrote “The NOT Definition Of Hard Work” and that got a few people excited. Now the question some have asked is, “What Is The Definition Of Hard Work”. I’ve said some of my peace on what it is not, now let me state what it is.