2 Things Social Media Cannot ( & Can) Do

Every new tool is treated with excitement, skepticism, caution and a myriad of other reactions or attitudes. As with every tool there are problems it solves. Tools are only as effective as their use. There are also other factors that determine the effectiveness, such as the context and strategy in which they are employed. At …

How Social Media Can Be Your Enemy

One of the evident marks of our time is social media. It has challenged our definition of friends, community, transparency, corporate accountability and movements. If harnessed properly, it is a tool that can be used to mobilise masses. Recent history, such as the UK riots, Egyptian uprisings and more, is proof enough. Social media has made …

UK Riots, Social Media AND The Real Problem

I read a Mashable blog post about Facebook and (Research In Motion) RIM, the Blackberry manufacturer, going to meet UK government officials. The agenda seems to be a result of prime minister, David Cameron’s statement in the House of Commons. According to Mashable, David Cameron mentioned on how, together with some government agencies, they were …

11 Reasons Why I Follow & Read Blogs

I’m always hungry to grow. Investing in enlarging one’s capacity is never a wasted investment. Significant growth is often with the help or contribution of others. When we close ourselves to listening to others we miss out on opportunities of growth. I just love seeing ideas develop. In fact, one of the blogs I read …