One of the things I’ve always tried to do better every year is reading more. This includes both books and blogs. I’m a big fan of blogs. I also love books. There are more books in the world than I have time for. That’s why reading great ones is important. I hate wasting time and money …
Tag Archives: grow
Books I Hope To Read In 2016
I don’t know how mom and dad did it, but however they did, worked. Somehow they got my siblings and I to read, and eventually, love it. Every year I try to read as much as I can.
On Life Getting Better
We’ve all, to varied degrees in varied circumstances, fixated on life getting better. There times I’ve gone through rough patches and thought, “when will this ever end?”. Sometimes it seems everything that could go wrong, goes wrong.
Why People Won’t Leave The Masquerade Parade
Why People Fear Sharing Their Real Opinions The Premise We’re multi-dimensional. Some people only know some aspects about us. The reason could be we only want to them to see something particular about who we are.
Being Moved By The Inexplicable
Just finished watching August Rush with Ingrid. I loved the music. Almost surreal and unrealistic that people can be moved by music in such an intense way… Truth: I love music. Besides the sad country music, I’ve got no preferred genre; I love all beautiful music. I’m moved intensely by music. I weep, laugh, dance. …