A Blog Post About An Important Blog I Wrote

I haven’t written as much as I would’ve loved over the last few years. I’ve shared some of the reasons I write are here, here and here. Those are not all the reasons, just some. Writing is one of the things I’ve had a desire and, I guess, a fair aptitude for, for as long as I …

Don’t Bow To The Pressure When Staking Your Claim

This applies to both life and leadership. There’s the obvious; those things you know you’re about and will never compromise. These are usually things that relate to your mission and values. Though values may take a while to discover and articulate, it is easy to say where you stand when you have. Mission and values are …

Why You Must Never Believe What You Think

You believe many things for different reasons. It could be that you’ve heard something many times. Another reason could be that you heard from someone you respect and trust. Your own thoughts are also a source of your beliefs. Having said that, here’s why you must never believe what you think:

On What’s Possible And What Isn’t

Debates on what’s possible and what isn’t are always going to be with us. Of all generations we should know better by now. Yet, some skepticism still rules many. Possibility is not about ‘if’ but ‘when’. So, what makes things possible?

The Definition Of Hard Work

I wrote “The NOT Definition Of Hard Work” and that got a few people excited. Now the question some have asked is, “What Is The Definition Of Hard Work”. I’ve said some of my peace on what it is not, now let me state what it is.