No Such Thing As Wasted Effort

When I apply myself I expect to see a return for my effort. None of us want to do something for nothing. We want some sort of return. A reward of sort for energy used. Some gain for all the pain we might have gone through. At different times, for different reasons the results will …

On Life And Leadership Heretic

Articulated or not, everyone, blogger, enterprise and such, have some sort of tag line. Something, other than their name that give an idea what they’re about. At the time of writing this, it’s been at least six years I’ve blogged in a consistent way. A few people have spoken to me on life and leadership heretic tag.

Looking Forward To

“Looking forward to…” Words I haven’t said out loud in a while. A lot of what I’m looking forward to is in mindmaps, safe in a secret location. I’m back to using mindmaps as a thought clarifying process. They’re great for brainstorming and outlining processes. I like to pencil in details while having the entire picture in sight.

A Blog Post About An Important Blog I Wrote

I haven’t written as much as I would’ve loved over the last few years. I’ve shared some of the reasons I write are here, here and here. Those are not all the reasons, just some. Writing is one of the things I’ve had a desire and, I guess, a fair aptitude for, for as long as I …

Don’t Bow To The Pressure When Staking Your Claim

This applies to both life and leadership. There’s the obvious; those things you know you’re about and will never compromise. These are usually things that relate to your mission and values. Though values may take a while to discover and articulate, it is easy to say where you stand when you have. Mission and values are …