What Does It Mean?

We’re consuming more information than we ever did. Largely due to the fact that it is getting easier and easier to create and share. Information is increasingly more accessible. Successful leaders know information is important. The challenge, however, is identifying which information is relevant. Perhaps more than that, which information is important now? Which information will be relevant tomorrow? How can leaders be effective in identifying what information is relevant?

what does it mean
an inquiring mind is prerequisite for great and successful leadership || image by JD Hancock | cc

Knowing what information is pertinent is one of the things that will give organizations the edge over rivals. However, knowing is only the first step. Knowing the pertinent information must be followed by its appreciation. That is, for leaders to be successful, they must allow the information to speak for itself. Manipulating information or facts does not change their truth. Ignoring it does not empower, it impairs, and ultimately destroys an enterprise.

Fight the temptation to manipulate information to say what you want it to say.

Beyond identifying relevant information and what it says, you must inquire on what it means. The implications of information can be determined if the right information is being queried and it is not tainted or manipulated to preference. Dialogue in teams is important. Exploring the different possibilities of the implication of information is best done with many minds and outlooks. Reflection is key for every successful leader. They must constantly look at information to them and ask, “What does it mean?”

The value of information is in the appreciation and understanding of the implications thereof.

Inquiring minds will unlock secrets borne by information. Some of the implications of information will glare at you and others must be prodded out.

Information is only as good as your understanding of it and its implication. It’s not what you know it’s how it matters… It does not matter how much you know. What matters most is how you use what you know. It does not matter that you know until you know what what you know demands. The demands of what you know do not matter much until you act on what it all means. Only then can it make a difference.

Now that you have this information, what are you going to do with it? What does it mean for you and your enterprise?


Published by Blessing Mpofu

just a guy changing the world